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X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF) handheld devices are a quick screening tool used to assess soils for contamination.

Size and shape

Otherwise known as the ALD test, the size and shape test is used to define the average least dimension versus the average greatest dimension. 

Weathering quality index

Categorises the aggregate into a number of different quality groups based on the resistance of the aggregate to cycles of wetting and drying. 

Cleanness value

The Cleanness Value test measures the amount of fine clay-like material coating surfacing and concrete aggregates.

Sand equivalent

The Sand Equivalent test provides an empirical measure of the quality and quantity of fines in an aggregate.

F2 filter sand

Our F2 filter sand meets stringent standards developed by Stevenson Aggregates.

Concrete sand

Our concrete sand conforms to New Zealand Standard NZS 3121 Water and Aggregate (NZS 3121).

Builder’s mix

Ideal for smaller concreting jobs, our Builder's mix is available at each of our locations.


If you require a product we do not currently manufacture, please give us a call. We provide a made-to-order service.


We provide a variety of high-durability mixes that contain cementitious supplements like fly ash, slag, and micro silica. 


We supply a variety of concrete mixes for use in spray applications.


High strength and early setting concrete, available in a range of specifications for precast applications.


Our decorative mixes provide a range of options to create architectural finishes for landscaping, flooring and driveways.


We supply a range of durable mixes developed specifically for factory, warehouses and industrial manufacturing plants.

Flow fill

Flow fill is a backfill mix that’s quick to place and doesn’t require compaction. Flows easily into voids, levellling and hardening to produce a low strength hard fill.

Thermal backfill

Our thermal backfill mix dissipates heat generated by underground high voltage cables.


Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is a highly flowable, yet stable concrete that can spread readily into place to fill formwork.

Hydrovia® permeable

Stevenson Hydrovia® mixes allow water to drain through the concrete to percolate back into the ground.


A low slump concrete mix which is easily formed but requires high vibration to achieve adequate compaction.

Block fill

A high flow mix for filling retaining walls and hollow masonry blocks.


Delivered by a concrete truck and offloaded into a concrete pump for placing in areas that are difficult to access.


Delivered to site in a concrete truck and offloaded directly from the chute.

Made to order

We can manufacture to your specification. If you require a product we do not currently manufacture, please give us a call. We provide a made-to-order service.

Fly Ash

Fly Ash is a byproduct of coal-burning by electric generation power plants. It improves workability, durability, and pumpability, reduces demand for water and increases concrete’s long-term compressive strength.

Lightweight sand

We produce a variety of sands for rural, drainage, sports and horticultural applications. 

Concrete aggregates

We supply New Zealand Standard NZS 3121 Water and Aggregate (NZS 3121) compliant concrete aggregates across all of our locations.

Tremie mixes

Specialised higher slump mixes that are placed using a tremie pipe system.

Grout cubes

To assess the compression strength of fine-grained cementitious grouts, we test cube samples.